¨El Pensamiento es el arma mas poderosa del ser humano
tiene tanto poder para construir como para destruir...
de nosotros depende el uso que le demos¨


domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

I am jonathan cortez, i have 29 years, i lived 3 earthquakes,  the first in 1983, was called " la hecatombe de san salvador ", I was 3 years, I remember a sunny day, at 11:45 in the morning, the earthquake started, was very strong, all fell i remember that night, all slept low one truck, every five minutes shaking again.
the year 2001 i lived the second earthquake, was, on january 13 at 11:30 aprox.
that day i was, in my house, whith my family, i remember one move hard, violent, during one minute aprox, then calm.
then we heard on the radio about the collapse the Cordillera del Balsamo in the colony the hills in Santa Tecla. many dead or missing.
after the last of the February 13 earthquake, which killed many people in San Vicente in the newspaper I read, about a girls' school, which collapsed ...
many people killed by earthquakes in the "Valley of the Hammocks" as it is called our country.

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